Countries around the world have their own unique cultures against the background of history, environment, and regionality. This cultural difference, which can be said to be an ethnic characteristic, is also a difference that was born because of the era when the radius of human action was limited to some extent, such as traffic and geographical factors, if you look at it. However, real-time information networks that have advanced in recent decades have changed this situation dramatically. In the world of music, radio and records have become a medium to become globalized, and Japan visual expressions such as manga and anime have rapidly spread throughout the world. Traditional performing arts such as tea ceremony, go, ukiyo-e, Noh, and Kabuki, which were once synonymous with Japan culture, took a long time to shorten at an accelerated rate. And what is attracting attention in the world now is the world of food that represents that Japan.
The world invasion of ramen that captivates the world of new food In the case of the United States
The perception of sushi, tempura, and sukiyaki Japan food culture is a thing of the past. With the expansion of conveyor belt sushi into the world, sushi has already become internationally recognized as a new international food genre called SUSHI rather than Japan food. What follows is ramen, which is now even known as a national food. It has become very popular in the U.S. over the past few years and has even graced the covers of famous culinary magazines such as Food & Wine and Fine Cooking.
Among them, popular chain stores in New York are also familiar with Japan such as Ippudo and Ichiran. The unique flavor of Tonkotsu ramen stimulates the american taste. We cannot ignore the instant noodles situation in the United States. In addition to Japan companies and instant noodles from China and Korea, American companies are participating in their own bag noodles and cup noodles. This is proof that the United States perceives ramen as a major food trend, not a transient boom. If further development progresses in the future, even the Japan expansion of American ramen is a momentum that could occur. As a Japan person, I feel like a little embarrassing fun.
The ramen situation in Europe has changed in some places
ヨーロッパでもフランス、ドイツなどでラーメン人気に火がついています。パリでは千葉から進出の『It's a kot-ri ramen』や札幌ラーメンからスタートした『Higuma』、おなじみの「一風堂」が人気。そんな激戦区パリでの極め付きは元エアフランスのパイロットがオーナーのその名も『Special Ramen』。日本のラーメンに惚れ抜き、数年の修行を経て完成させたその味はパリっ子ばかりか在仏日本人にも大人気の本格派です。
ドイツもラーメンの激戦区。経済都市デュッセルドルフの『Mendokoro Takumi』や日本でも人気の鶏白湯ラーメン『Takeichi Menya』、フランクフルトにはYokohama Ramen Museumでも人気となった『Innocence-muku-Zweite』や味噌ラーメンの『Ramen Jun』、ベルリンにも『RAMEN HAKO』や『Cocolo Ramen』などがあり、ドイツの味として根付いた感があります。
また、スローフード運動の発祥地でパスタの本場イタリアでラーメンブームはというと、ローマの『RAMEN BAR AKIRA』、ミシュランで一つ星を獲得した日本人シェフ監修の『MAMA-YA RAMEN』、イタリア人オーナーによる手打ち麺の『BISTRO GIAPPONESE WARAKU』などこちらも多士済々。
かつて落語家のHayashiya Kihizo (current Hayashiya Kikyusen)師匠が『National Ramen Party』の名で出店していたヨーロッパのラーメン先進地スペインと合わせて、まさに日の出の勢いのヨーロッパラーメン事情、これからの展開にも大いに期待したいところです。ただ気になるのはその価格、日本に比べると単価千数百円と高すぎるのがちょっと心配。外食料金の高いエリアだけに、今後さらに競争が激化することで低価格化が進み、より多くの人に楽しんでもらえるようになるとうれしいのですが…。どちらにしてもこのラーメンブーム日本人としては将来のおいしい選択肢が増えるという点でも楽しみですね。
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